
[預告] 无限试驾2-比赛类型大介绍





Race – The simplest and most numerous challenge type: follow the checkpoints and the first player across the finish line wins. Races are as varied as the landscape of the islands, ranging from flat and relatively straight races in classic cars (a joy to drive for new and keyboard / mouse players, since they’re relatively underpowered and easy to control) to curvy mountain roads in off-road vehicles.

普通比赛-最普通和最常见 挑战类型:顺着检查点 第一辆过终点的车赢。比赛随着地形的变化而变化, 从驾驶经典车款跑平坦而且相对直线比赛开始(因为这类车动力不足而且容易控制对于使用键盘和鼠标的新手来说很简单)到使用越野车跑弯曲的山路比赛。

Speedtrap – For this challenge, players race each other to post the best speed through 3-5 radar “traps.” Unlike the offline version, human players won’t always choose the same route as you do, leading to some interesting results (read: head-on collisions).

雷达测速- 这个比赛 参赛者用最高速度依次通过3-5个雷达测速点。与离线模式所不同的长着肉的人类玩家不会和你选择同样的路线,从而导致一些有趣的结果(参见迎头相撞)

Speed – Compete against other players to find the best route and earn the most points. The more you go above a specified minimum speed, the more points you earn. In our playtest, this was the least multiplayer-y of the head-to-head challenges, since you’re not likely to run into other players in a full throttle drag race except for briefly at the starting line (or if, of course, another player is gunning for you, but this would lower their score).



       Chase – TDU2’s nod to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is more than just a nod. Group up with a few other players and smash into one of the NPC police cars patrolling the island. Raise your violation level enough and you’ll trigger a chase. Your group will split up into cops and criminals teams, and things play out predictably – cops win if they stop the criminals, criminals win if they ward off the cops long enough. The chase plays out in traffic, and cops have an EMP pulse and some specialized cars to aid their task.


   Instant Challenge – Set up your stakes via the options menu and head out on the road. Flash your headlights at any other player sets up an instant challenge, a quick, impromptu race with your pocketbook on the line. Invite a few friends once the challenge is set, and you could be talking significant stakes. No racing for pinks, though!

- 每个人即时挑战(例如:就是自己设定一个赌注 然后对着别人的车pp闪灯 然后对方设赌注 然后开赛)


   Keep Your Distance – Stay within a certain number of yards of car in front of you (or, if you’re the leader, the car behind you) while going as fast as possible to earn as many points as possible. In our playtest, this was much harder than it sounds, since the test is done in traffic. Finishing is pretty easy, finishing fast is rather hard.

-保持距离模式比赛(保持距离- 和你的前车保持一定的距离(如果你是领头车和你后面的车保持一定的距离)尽可能的开快车来赢的积分,在测试中做起来比听上去要难的多 因为有交通。完成很简单 但要高速完成很难。)

   Follow the Leader – At the start of the race and at each checkpoint, one randomly-chosen leader can see the next checkpoint. Once the leader crosses the checkpoint, the rest of the pack has a certain amount of time to get through the now-visible checkpoint. In our playtest, again we found that your biggest opponent is the clock, not the finish line. It’s easy to finish if your leader babies you, hard if your leaders push the limits.

- Co - op模式:追随领导者(带路跑)

[ 本帖最後由 s130 於 2011-1-30 12:17 編輯 ]

质量最好的欧洲卡车2 地图mod




0岁出场亮相,10岁天天向上。20岁远大理想,30岁发奋图强。 40岁基本定向,50岁处处吃香。 60岁打打麻将,70岁处处闲 逛。80岁拉拉家常,90岁挂在墙上!


