
[欧卡2/美卡] 歐洲卡車模擬2 更新到 v1.7版本!

Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.7 update
There are actually two pieces of news we'd like to share with you today here, and also in a more graphically richer way on World of Trucks.


The 1.7 update is available! Yes, the big star of this update is the new Volvo FH and FH16. Freshly off closed beta, we are in such a hurry to give it to you that for now we just have the Steam-only update ready. But please have patience with us, non-Steam version of the update is coming soon. (Or of course you can take advantage of the fact that any genuine Product Key we have ever issued for the game will also activate the game on Steam. Once.) The logistics of the release is actually quite simpler for us when working with Steam.


With Halloween coming, we have created a special Halloween Paint Job Pack DLC for the occasion. It features 6 exclusive dark and scary themes applicable to all trucks in the game.

For veteran players of the game creating and using mods, we are aware that this is not major news for you - you can always satisfy your truck tuning appetite with a vast variety of custom mods or even your own creativity. But there are tens of thousands of players out there who never dare to apply any unofficial mods. We believe that if we take this road, we may be able give them something interesting and worthwhile. And of course completely optional.

After several months of work, we have just finished the new truck model, and we are giving it to our player base for free. We are committed to giving you more free trucks in the future, actually already two more are under development.

The idea with the paint job DLC is that such small paid-for "cosmetics" DLCs are our chance to accelerate development of the core game. Instead of begging for donations, we can offer something of value to help us fund further evolution of the game. And if this catches on, we'd like to consider more than just simple paints - there are definitely more cool opportunities, like offering support for decorating the inside of the cabin.

The Halloween Paint Jobs Pack DLC available now on Steam. This DLC is a Steam-only release. With our limited back-end infrastructure for monetizing and managing DLCs, we are not going to offer it from the official website.

We hope you'll enjoy driving the new Volvo FH and wear those beautiful Halloween paint jobs as much as we enjoyed creating them! Thank you!

實際上有兩則新聞,我們想與大家分享今天在這裡,也是世界卡車在一個更生動更豐富的方式  。


1.7更新  !是的,此更新的大明星是全新沃爾沃FH和FH16。剛關閉內測,我們在這樣一個匆忙的把它給你,現在我們只是有蒸汽只更新準備。但是,請與我們有耐心,非Steam版本更新即將到來。(當然你可以利用任何我們曾經為遊戲發行的正版產品密鑰也將在Steam激活遊戲的事實。一旦釋放)物流其實是相當簡單的為我們工作時,與Steam。



創建和使用MODS遊戲的老玩家,我們都知道,這是不是主要的消息告訴你-你總能滿足你的卡車調諧食慾,具有廣闊的各種定制MODS,甚至自己的創造力。但也有幾十名球員那裡從來不敢申請任何非官方的mods。我們相信,如果我們走這條路,我們也許能夠給他們一些有趣和有價值的。當然,完全可選的。 經過幾個月的工作,我們剛剛完成了新的卡車模型,我們給它免費為我們的玩家基礎。我們致力於在未來給你更多的自由卡車,實際上已經兩個正在開發中。 用的油漆工作DLC的想法是,這麼小的付費的“化妝品”的DLC是我們的機會,加快發展的核心遊戲。而不是乞求捐款,我們可以提供一些有價值的東西來幫助我們資金的進一步演變的遊戲。如果這漁獲,我們想考慮更多的不僅僅是簡單的油漆-有肯定更冷靜的機會,像裝飾的船艙內提供支持。萬聖節油漆工作包DLC現已在Steam。此DLC一個蒸汽釋放。在我們有限的後端基礎設施的貨幣化和管理的DLC,我們不會提供它從官方網站上, 我們希望您享受駕駛的全新沃爾沃FH和盡可能多穿那些漂亮的萬聖節油漆工作,因為我們喜歡創造!謝謝你!


更新到 v1.7


兄弟 看样子卡2又更新版本了啊 不错吗 支持



GTA4汽车十宗罪: 1。汽车没了油箱,没办法一枪打爆炸…… 2。没办法给车里面仍手雷……对着窗户扔进去直接弹飞…… 3。对汽车扔燃烧弹,着火了!一会后自己熄灭…… 4。汽车着火后,冲到消防栓那里,水冲车却不能灭火…… 5。汽车有无轮胎没有区别……只有车枯栌一样奔跑…… 6。刹车系统完全是摆设,第一路口刹车能到第三路口都刹不住…… 7。摩托车都能有头盔,汽车连安全带都没有,何况是安全汽囊!撞车直接从前面飞出去…… 8。如果跳到其他NPC车子上,行驶一段距离后主角自动死亡…… 9。下雨天,雨刷不动…… 10。开车的时候不用换弹夹……


我才刚刚升到1.6  就有更新了



这节奏。。。好快啊 1.6刚下下来





